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Gorran Primary School, Coleraine


Mr Cleland and Mrs Reid enjoy teaching P7.

Mrs Morrell and Mrs Kelly are the very enthusiastic classroom assistants.

Primary 7s work hard and have great fun in their final year at Primary School. We support those pupils who want to sit the SEAG entrance test and give them oppurutunites to practice and hone their skills.  

We love to read in class and enjoy AR time, group reading and especially our class novels. Primary 7 read some great books that inlcude; 'There's a boy in the girl's Bathroom', 'Why the Whales came' and 'Under the Hawthorn Tree'.

Our topics -

Me Myself and I - learning about themselves, the human body and their local history. 

We're at War - looking at the history of the First World War.

Flight - exploring the science and history of flight and completing some great engineering projects. 

Famine - learning about the devasting Irish Famine and how it changed Ireland. We also look at the story of Eily, Michael and Peggy

The Titanic - from the ship building to the characters involved and the disaster itself, with lots of interesting science experiments along the way.

Growing Up and Moving On - getting ready to move to big school, staying safe and make informed choices.

When we asked Primary 7 pupils about their highlights of the year they talk about the History topics, Woodhall residential trip, reading buddies and outdoor learning.  


